Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Traditional Amerikaners are losing their nation...

...according to ultra right-wing social conservative nationalist, nativist, and isolationist Pat Buchanan.

I guess they're sensing what it has felt like all along for traditional Indigenous Americans.


Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Hopi Nation's message to green racists: KEEP OUT!

I have blogged previously about what I define as "green racism"; i.e., fundamentalist environmentalist and animal rights organizations dominated by whites that attempt to impose their standards upon Indigenous American tribes and reservations in relation to hunting, fishing, whaling and mining practices, which is not difficult for those greens to do in the United States through the federal government in particular, being that the two major political parties that rule the U.S. exercise to this day a racist colonial master American Indian policy, only allowing tribes a certain amount of autonomy as opposed to the option of true independence as sovereign nations.

In the meantime, tribes like the Hopi are telling green racists where they can go.

An opposing viewpoint by Russell Means:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Christian convert to indioheathenism

Not all traditional Indigenous American cultures are into superstition and creator worship, including my own and this one:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

DemoPublican crimes against nature

I've blogged before about the racist Amerindian policies in the U.S. on the part of Republican and Democratic legislators and bureaucrats.

In summary, they outlaw the possession and use of certain medicinal plants such as salvia (sage) and cannibus.

Then there is their war against puberty.

They prohibit the option of Indian reservation sovereignty from U.S. government jurisdiction and instead only allow a certain amount of autonomy, and even impose state government interference on reservations that operate casinos.

Uninhibited human migration for the purpose of better survival on the part of Indigenous Americans about the North American Indian continent is just as natural as animal migration, yet the Demopublicans restrict and prohibit that natural right as well (along with the diluted Indian Mexican government).

What boils down to being a neo-U.S. Cavalry campaign of indigenous Mesoamerican containment on the part of national socialist-like Euro invader spawn nativists who have the gaul to call migrating Amerindian-blooded people "invaders" and "illegal aliens" is another example.

The video below is among the more recent examples of racist Demopublican Amerindian migration policy.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

We Shall Remain

PBS American Experience presents We Shall Remain, a groundbreaking mini-series and provocative multi-media project that establishes Native history as an essential part of American history.

Five 90-minute documentaries spanning three hundred years tell the story of pivotal moments in U.S. history from the Indigenous American perspective.

We Shall Remain premieres April 13, 2009 on PBS. A companion public radio documentary series, focusing on contemporary Native issues, will be distributed to public radio and Native broadcasters to coincide with the television program.

The entire We Shall Remain series can also be viewed online here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Much ado over Alfie & Chantelle

Alfie and Chantelle are the British couple that just had a baby together. They can't get married yet because they aren't legally old enough. Chantelle is 15 and Alfie is 13. Alfie is small for his age and looks and sounds even younger, although he is obviously not too underdeveloped around the crotch where puberty had already set in when he and Chantelle consummated their sleepover in Chantelle's bed with parental consent. However, as of this date, a DNA test has yet to confirm if Alfie is the biological father, being that four other boys apparently had sleepovers with Chantelle as well.

This story has made international notoriety only because of the culture the two kids come from. Baby-makers of their age from traditional indigenous societies don't make the headlines. In Mexico, for example, some indigenous communities and regions have autonomy from the Mexican government. The Mexican press recently publicized how the Triqui Indians of Oaxaca still exercise polygamy and wives can be as young as 13, which is why 12 is the legal age of sexual consent in Mexican Indian country.

Indioheathen was born to a then 17-year-old mother and 20-year-old father, and my paternal Mexican Indian grandparents had their first child (my eldest uncle) when she was 15 and he was 20. I never wanted any biological kids of my own and thus never had any, although I took in a nephew from his somewhat troubled single-parent home for a few years during his early teens.

Even though most kids are biologically capable of producing kids of their own by age 12, those from non-indigenous societies are generally not emotionally let alone financially prepared to exercise child-rearing because their societies are more complex, and their cultures do not prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood when puberty sets in as do most indigenous societies. Nevertheless, all kids by the time they reach 12 should be taught about the use of condoms and other artificial birth control, and encouraged to use them whenever their hormones get the best of their willpower for "abstinence". Most European countries recognize that by having reasonable age of sexual consent laws set no higher than 16. Spain has the lowest set at 13.

Across the Atlantic, though, the colonized, industrial societies of the Americas, and particularly the United States, have basically created a puritanical social and legal war on puberty with their high age of sexual consent laws (18 in many) and the abusive and broad out-of-control interpretations and prosecutions of "sex offenses". Consenting but nevertheless underage teens are always portrayed as "victims" by police, prosecutors, and the mainline media even though in many cases its the horny teen who solicited the adult for sex. And when they send nude photos of themselves to their peers over the internet or by cell phone, they can be charged with distributing child pornography even though they are the "child" depicted. The way the law treats this is sadistic, irrational, and disgusting.

I really have nothing more to say about this or the situation of Chantelle and Alfie that has not already been well-written about by my friend "CLS" of the Classically Liberal blog. Click here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Much ado over octo-mom

Non-plural traditional Indigenous American marital relationships that consist of just one man and one woman have for the most part never resulted in large numbers of offspring. Two or three kids at the most.

Even today, diluted Indians of Latin American origin known as mestizos, and who because of their self-racism towards their indigenous genes and ancestors prefer to identify themselves only by their national origin or as "Hispanic" or "Latino", are even having smaller families in spite of 500+ years of breeding-large-families religious indoctrination by the foreign Church of the Conquista (Roman Catholic). The whacky theology of Mormonism also encourages the fleshly incarnation of as many spirit babies as possible through homosapien breeding.

Nadya Suleman, the 33-year-old American of Arabic and Lithuianian origin, is now a mother of 14 after she chose to have a half a dozen embryos implanted through in-vitro fertilization by a physician in her home state of California. She gave birth to six boys and two girls on Jan. 26, 2009. The babies were all born nine weeks premature and were delivered through Cesarean section. They weighed between 1 pound, 8 ounces and 3 pounds, 4 ounces.

Her reason to the media for wanting to hatch so many eggs has been, "All I wanted was children...I wanted to be a mom. That's all I ever wanted in my life."

She and her California physician, who implanted the embryos, have come under scrutiny for the implantation of the six embryos, two of which split in utero, being that she is an unemployed single mother who lives with her mom. She has also been criticized for being the recipient of $490 dollars a month in public food stamps.

She launched a website on February 11, 2009 to ask the public for financial help in raising her litter, which is good, being that it is not fair to taxpayers to have to support her psycho-obsessive-compulsive maternity disorder that apparently can only fulfill her emotional needs for companionship in lieu of a romantic partner. (The same sperm donor reportedly fathered her previous litter as well).

The main page of the baby-themed site has pictures of the latest eight of her 14 hatchlings, and "thank yous" to the public, although the only clickable links are those to make credit card donations or to leave comments, which are kept private.

The website takes Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover, or you can just send a big fat check directly to her publicist, whose address and phone number is listed.

Meanwhile, Ms. Bugg's Bunny, according to her publicist, has received death threats from Neanderthals (most likely white racists who think she's Mexican) who are obviously not Catholics, Mormons, or anti-abortion fanatics, for spawning so many kids, and has since moved to another location.

Now the question is, will she seek and receive effective psychotherapy so she can say for sure in relation to her reproductive skills,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A new release

Artist: Rev. Rick Warren
Tune: Obama Inaguaral Invocation
Mix: Classical Mayan
Label: Indioheathen

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jamás with Hamas

Indioheathen normally doesn't blog about major conflicts outside of Turtle Island (the Americas), but I'll make an exception this one time about the Middle East where different tribes and nationalities have been warring off and on with one another for centuries, especially since Russell Means, whom I have tended to agree with more than disagree with overall over the years, has been making YouTube videos of late in defense of the Palestinians, which has included old leftist rhetoric such as, "We are all Palestinians" and remarks about the "Zionist conspiracy".

When the concept of a State of Israel was first drafted in the form of a crude map drawn with a pen on a paper napkin by Winston Churchill and Harry Truman, the only mistake they made was not including the proposition for an official Arabic State of Palestine in the region as well. But now the Palestinian Arabs have their autonomous territories of Gaza and the West Bank--the latter run by the more (currently) civilized Palestinian Authority.

Gaza is run by Hamas--a bunch of Islamic fundamentalist terrorists intent on destroying as many Israeli Jews as they can, even though it's not realistic. The only reason they got elected to power by the majority of Gazan voters was because of all the goodies they gave to Gazans beforehand. "Goodies" sometimes equal various forms of "bribes".

Start firing explosive rockets, no matter how crude or inaccurate, from your back yard into my back yard, and I ain't gonna wait around to see if that unprovoked initiation of force against me and my property is just eventually going to fade away.

I give the Israelis credit for putting up with it for so long before finally retaliating. Kick me in the ass and I'll kick you back ten times as hard until you quit!

Nothing new to Indigenous Americans. The Battle of Little Bighorn was a historically prime example.

Unless someone ends up nuking the region, neither Israel and its Jews and Zionists nor Palestine and its Muslims are ever going to go away. Although easier said than done, they just need to make room for one another and live with it in peace, which Israel has done in recent years by removing their own people from "settlements" they set up in Arab Palestinian territory.

Ideally, it would be better for their and all dogmatic sin-inventing religions with wrathful gods to just vanish from the face of Mother Earth.

As for the two societies in general, I would rather live in Israel than Palestine. The former is more liberal and tolerant overall--so much so that gay Arab Palestinians, for instance, often take up with gay Jewish Israeli partners in Israel to escape rampant Islamic homophobic persecution in the Arab Palestinian territories, particularly in Gaza.

Jews have been disliked and persecuted disproportionately over the centuries because they have largely consisted of a nomadic ethno-religious culture that places a lot of emphasis on high achievement and success wherever they settle. Many nativist gentiles resent Jewish high achievement and success when it becomes too collective and thus a threat in relation to power within the nation, which all boils down to jealousy of and cowardice towards Jews.

And when cowards are the majority, instead of fleeing from what they fear, they implement mob rule and react hostilely, violently, or discriminatory institutionally towards the feared minority that is the perceived threat. In the case of Jews, it is what is commonly but not quite accurately referred to as "anti-Semetism". I say not entirely accurate because in most cases, it does not apply to the other Semitic ethnicity known as "Arab". Thus the more precise term in the context of prejudice towards Jews is simply "anti-Jew".

Here is a link to a good, brief history of the Israel/Palestine region with illustrations:

"Jamás", pronounced the same as "Hamas", is the Spanish term for "Never!", and is somewhat synonymous with "Enough!".